App-Tools Pro V2

Tasks Managers

Tasks Managers

What is Task Manager?

Task Manager allows you to store your Accounts, Proxies and Links inside Tasks. So each time you click into any of the above mentioned menus, you will be obligated to select the task you want to enter the resources on.

How to load resources and create a task?

To be able to use any of the resources manager, you need to first create a task, and only then it is allowed to load any resources, since all of them will be linked to a specific task.

Below you can see all the listed features above in the image and it's meaning.

Task Name: Your task name identifier, do not use any special characters or repeated task names. Name must be unique and simple.

Threads: The number of threads/browsers you will run at the same time. You need to have more accounts than the threads you got to be able to open all windows.

Threads Delay: The seconds delay you want to have per each thread spawn.

Invisible: This option puts the browser in a headless state where it consumes less resources and its not visible.

Skip in Use: This option if selected, checks if an account is in use prior to doing actions, and if it's in use and this option selected it will logout and go to other account.

Randomize links: This feature randomizes all link order per each thread opened, which means all instances will be running different links at the same time until targets are met.

Randomize songs: This feature makes sure all songs positions are completly random per thread.

Search Addon: This feature when selected will use search your link name before playing each link (See links managers to understand this field)

Links per Session: This feature if empty or set to all will play all links in the task per account. If you put a number, it will limit the number of links each account plays per session (If randomize is enabled, it will always play alll links differently)

Task History


Task History allows you to see all the tasks you executed and the targets met.

You can clear this registry at any time with the "Clear all" button.

You can add as many links as you want for each task.

Each link will contain precise actions that the software will follow when running.

Click into create new to add a new link.

Target Link:  Your target link.

Link Name: Insert the real name of the link in case you want to use the "Search Addon" module.

Max Actions: The maximum actions you want to deliver for each of your SET POSITIONS. If you want to limit also the links per account, you can do it under task settings. Remember to use combined with randomize links and songs so that each links and songs are always random.

Playtime:  Your link playtime (Works with % -> 10-20% or ranges -> 10-50 or fixed -> 50)  

Positions: Your song positions to play, using the following format:

  -> Multiple positions example: 2,5,6,1

  -> All positions: all 

  -> Auto position finding: auto (Coming soon)

Saves: The saves percentage for the bot.

Plays per Account: The MAXIMUM songs to play per link. If EMPTY or SET to "all" each accounts will play all positions. If set to a number, each account is limited to play that number of songs maximum PER LINK.


After you are finished, press “CREATE TASK”.

Accounts Manager


You now load the .txt file containing your Accounts. Load the file inside the task you want and it will be automatically stored.

Delete All:  You can delete all proxies by clicking the clear all button.

Export All:  You can delete all proxies by clicking the export all button.

Regular Accounts Format



Binded Accounts

To bind accounts you can see the Binder Tool section, it is documented there.

In the App you can locate the binder tool inside the Fingerprint tab.

Binded Accounts Format for IP:PORT Proxies


Binded Accounts Format for Proxies with User:Pass Authentication



Note: You can mix binded with non binded accounts, however, it is advised you separate them in different tasks.

Proxies Manager

You now load the .txt file containing your Proxies. Load the proxy file, choose proxy type and it will be automatically stored inside the current Task.

We have a in-built proxy tracking to locate your proxies country, city and ISP, so depending on how many proxies you loaded it may take a few seconds to load fully the manager page until it finds all tracking data.

Formats for Proxies:

The proxies have to be imported using the one of the following format:
