App-Tools Pro V2



The QUEUE system allows you to put as many tasks in queue as you need and the bot will handle the processing of all of them automatically.

Queue system also has memory and even if the BOT is closed, stopped or server has crashed, as soon as you start it you can resume from where you left.

The BOT queue will handle 1 task at a time in the order it was set.

How to add to Queue

To be able to send orders to queue you first must create your task and load all the resources, if accounts or links are missing you will see an error warning when trying to submit to queue.

You can't submit the same task to queue 2 times, you must first finish the current task or delete it.

Once task is submited to queue, you can view the queued tasks in the Queue History on the right.

The start and stop button, will handle the Queue to stop or continue, without being started no task will run.